Friday, October 7, 2005

Golf, Anyone?

   What do an incoming tornado and an Iowa divorce have in common?

   Someone's about to lose a farm.

   These were sent to me as Katrina/Alabama pics, but my man Uncle Joe at Magic Smoke informed me that this was a common "hoax," and that the pictures are actually from a series of Nebraska-type storms in 2002-04. Thanks to, as well. We'll credit the real photographer at the end of the piece.

   Funny thing about either Me or Nebraska... take away the storm clouds, and you'd still get a visual of why I would shoot up a Wal-Mart if I lived there. It's too God-love-it flat, and New Englanders need a little definition to their landscapes.

   I suppose I'd also vote for the more fundamentally Christian presidential candidate if I got Wrath of God storms like these MFers every year... or maybe I'd vote Democrat and just live full-time in a sealed concrete bunker.


   Only on the Great Plains can you golf in shorts while farms are being thrown into the lower stratosphere a half mile down the road. It's Iowastanding!!

   The Japanese mob (the Yakuza) actually made these storms to slow wheat production... as a sort of pre-emptive strike at buying Kellogg, and replacing Tony the Tiger with a 95 pound rabid Akita (It's grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!) to get us back for Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

   This picture (a diff version of a previous pic on this page) was the base of the mail I got with these pics. Notice the visage de la sorcière  off to the right.

   Seeing evil witch faces in storm clouds/WTC smoke is perfectly natural psychological ju-jitsu. Storms are terrifying, and people will have "irrational" reactions to terror. Personally, I see Jay Leno.

   Seeing Jay Leno is indicative of a certain mental instability that we won't go into on these pages.

   I've given out a few ink blot tests in my time, and once you know how those "end," you sort of become too jaded to properly see cloud shapes.

   It's like Freud said: "Everyone who smokes is attempting to satisfy a subconscious oral fixation- a fixation based on the pleasure one took as a baby when breast feeding.... except for myself, as I do it just because I love tobacco.... now that I know."

   If you were watching more gentle clouds drift by on a sunny summer day, you'd probably get between your wife/hub and the kids if your spouse looked up and said, "I see a decapitation, with torrents and torrents of spraying blood."

   I did see a Bunny in the tornado shot a few back, and yes- I'm being vague on purpose. I'm sort of the opposite of the guy in the previous paragraph, which just makes me a different shade of Unusual Blue.

   These images are actually photographs of tornadoes and other extreme weather phenomena taken by storm chaser Mike Hollingshead in Nebraska and Kansas during the summer months of 2002 and 2004. Visit his page... it rocks like taking an armful of heroin and going to an Alice In Chains concert, circa 1994.


Anonymous said...

How bout a game of 'follow the funnel cloud'? Or a game of 'follow the email trail to the person who sent these photos'.

LoL. Cool Pics though. I see faces.

Anonymous said...

Hats off to Mr. Hollinshead, great shots, I'm sure Jerseygirl would agree. Surreal looking, but this is no dream baby, and I see faces too ;>)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is incredible stuff!!  Amazing!!!  I would so be high tailing it outta there.

Anonymous said...

    These pics are amazing.  I have been fascinated by 'tornado' weather ever since I lived in Colorado.  Had a near-miss there once, and another time, watched 5 tornadoes sweep through the skies over downtown Denver, as I was standing safely in the foothills.  It was one of the most incredible things I ever saw.  Ever since that day ... I have been hooked ! Tina

Anonymous said...

Wow, what pictures! I want to run for cover just looking at them! Great Journal!
Yes, and the horror they caused. Leaves one thinking how fragile life is! Thanks for making it.

                                            Your fellow Journalist,

Anonymous said...

... there's also a demon face/alien face looking down at the ground in that last picture. I see where the people from ABC got their idea for the show 'Invasion'.

We are not alone ...

Anonymous said...

oh My Monponsett! What asoup and apickle you've gotten us into!

Anonymous said...

<<<<I didn't do it!

>>>> Settle down, Beavis.....Yeah.... it must have been, like, ummm, other kids, or something....

Anonymous said...

Love those pics!  Absolutely spectacular! Wish I was there.

Anonymous said...

Holy Moley... I can't believe anybody hung around to shoot these pictures. They're awesome!

We lived in Oklahoma for a while, and I saw clouds like the ones in the third picture once. They looked like vast, rolling ropes. That place had the most spectacular lightning storms I ever saw. Scary, but really, really cool too.

Thanks for the great pics!

Anonymous said...

amazing!  you sure they're not photoshopped?  

Anonymous said...

WOW  These pictures are amazing.  Actually all your pictures are amazing.

Anonymous said...

I've only taken 4 or 5 of all the pics on here. I steal the rest from the Internet. Generally, I'm hoping that the fact that right-clicking "Properties" will provide the pic's address keeps everyone for suing me. I also turn no profit. If I get sued, I'll show up in court, crying in broken English/French with two babies.