Thursday, October 20, 2005

Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing...

OKLAHOMA CITY (Oct. 20) - A man got a prison term longer than prosecutors and defense attorneys had agreed to - all because of Celtics great Larry Bird.

The lawyers reached a plea agreement Tuesday for a 30-year term for a man accused of shooting with an intent to kill and robbery. But Eric James Torpy wanted his prison term to match Bird's jersey number 33.

"He said if he was going to go down, he was going to go down in Larry Bird's jersey," Oklahoma County District Judge Ray Elliott said Wednesday. "We accommodated his request and he was just as happy as he could be.

"I've never seen anything like this in 26 years in the courthouse. But, I know the DA is happy about it."

(Lucky he wasn't a Gretzky fan...)


Remember, kids.... First the Tread Mill, then  the Gin Mill:


Monponsett:  eff him
you robbed him... 
Hey, I'm not the one who put a $200 buck cd changer up for auction buy it now for 50 bucks!
MrBierSnob:  I'd have paid 100 for the unit, actually
Monponsett i hear ya
you won out on the Greater Fool Theory, if it's not stolen
Explain please?
Monponsett:  <FONTFACE="COMIC MS? Sans>oh... sorry .. a saying of my father's...
no offense meant... it's a compliment when i translate it from French properly 
but the saying is that even if a fool sits in the market selling the air we're all breathing.... eventually a Greater Fool will come along
MrBierSnob:  and buy it

Monponsett:  it's silly, but it's essentially what our stock market is based on 
Monponsett the GFT works both ways
you were on the Big Fish end of the old food chain poster
you won
Hehehe apparently so!
Monponsett:  Econ 101 ... although in the context I learned it, it was basically why my father was telling my sister and I to set up a lemonade stand rather than bother him for an advance on our allowances. I think we were either the fooled or the fools.... but it doesn't matter too much now, I guess
i may copy/paste that as a journal entry... it'd be a good thing for my teen readers to know


A few other silly things to brighten your morning...

   This may be the stupidest thing ever invented... which is why it rules. Beth sent me this, and basically... you're a Yeti who smashes penguins for distance with what I'm guessing is a 7 foot icicle. It's the Home Run Derby that the ASPCA doesn't want you to know about.

   It's as addictive as crack, too. The key seems to be to hit them peng-oo-ins at an angle that would be a double up the gap in a big league game. Anywhooooo...


If mimes are what piss you off, we have that covered, too...thanks to Mr. Scalzi:


I rent dspace occasionally here...

Hi Guys,    It's me, Paul, that annoying proprietor of CarnivAOL. I'm sending you this because at one time or another, you guys have all submitted to CarnivAOL, and I want to ask you a favour. If possible, could you you guys post a plug for CarnivAOL in your journals this week? I'm looking to get this thing seen by as many people as possible so it will continue to grow. Thank you all for submitting in the past, and I hope you will continue to submit from time to time in the future. If you see fit to help me out here, I thank you.     Paul 
"When politics and religion are intermingled, a people is suffused with a sense of invulnerability, and gathering speed in their forward charge, they fail to see the cliff ahead of them"--Frank Herbert

Paul's blog- Aurora Walking Vacation


Soccer Stacey from Make yourself a South Park drawing! Thanks to Miss Stacy's site.



Anonymous said...

The graphic at the top of this entry is like something that would happen to me trying to understand the economy.  And I take heed to Frank's warning at the bottom but then, we all gotta take risks.  Maybe that's the whole point of the economy in a nutshell... unless of course we only invest in commodities, which they say is the thing to do in this time we live in... all I know, is somebody right now is making a "buncha" on gasoline.  I say, go with coffee.  Americans will never give that up.  We may run out of gasoline, but we'd have some really angry people ready to win any war, any time, any place if we run out of coffee.  

Anonymous said...

The economy is sort of like that treadmill, now that you mention it.

Anonymous said...

Beat the penguins:)  That was entertaining, except my 6 y/o kept wanting to play.


Anonymous said...

My favorite thing was making my own psycho South Park character.  

Anonymous said...

entertaining! Thanks Monponsett!

Anonymous said...

hi there.

i read your interesting comment. I get what your saying, but I dont really know what you mean? Do you mean that I should say nasty stuff about them? I could never do that to the other girls, whoever wins, wins.

anyway, talk soon..
