Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Duxbury Beach, MA... gale warning, fat swells, astronomical high tide, northeast-facing beach, etc... There's a ten foot concrete sea wall between the houses and the sea, but the storm surge rolls right over that.

This is good surfing weather, although all the surfers I knew in Duxbury go to Rhode Island to surf (although there is good surfing in neighboring Marshfield). The part about riding the Big Kahuna into a 10 foot concrete wall adds tension to your fun.

If the fishing fleet get caught slippin', it isn't unusual for 10-100 lobster pots to wash ashore, and if you get to them before the lobstermen do.... free lobster for a month.

I've also seen sailboats, cabin cruisers, whales, trans-Atlantic cable (the first-ever TA cable- between France and the USA- came ashore on Cable Hill in Duxbury... the first message was sent by Napoleon III), sharks, sunfish, a thousand sneakers, oil filters, and jellyfish be hurled ashore by storms.


Keeping a lawn going is tough on Duxbury Beach. A lot of people just have sand yards. The only plants that grow here without intense labor are beach grass, beach plum bushes, poison ivy and goldenrod.

This isn't even that bad of a storm. I was trapped here in the Perfect Storm (a mammoth 1991 Nor'Easter that they made that George Clooney movie about), and the waves were breaking over  these very same houses. The original house that became the house this picture was taken from was smashed into matchsticks in the Perfect Storm.


Rebuilding these houses means putting them on stilts... usually concrete pilings that create a look where one could park a non-SUV under the house. Duxbury Beach lies between a huge salt marsh and the Atlantic Ocean, and the water can pool up easily. Woe is thee who has a basement in Duxbury.






Anonymous said...

The sea was angry that day, my friend.


Anonymous said...

Dear Monponsett, Thank you for the beautiful photos!
ps does someone go adn get taht seal adn put him back in the ocean?

Anonymous said...

(I arrive breathless....uh...(gasping) ( I lean on the porch rail)...
"Hey Mon, ... Whatcha mean , you may not speak to us either!???":(:(
(points to my sign)... "The Smurfette Monponsett Fan Club"
and.."Now Accepting New Members!" :):):):)
Stick around Monponsett!:):)

Anonymous said...

You certainly do have a different view of the world than I do where I live! Sometimes it's easy to forget what others see and hear and feel as we  go about our daily routine. Thanks for giving us a peek into your day! Whew! Bea

Anonymous said...

Nat... seals come ashore all the time, to sun themselves. He'll splash back in after when he gets hungry. Seals can bite a fish in half, so one should try to avoid closing with them.

Anonymous said...

Suddenly I'm cold!

Anonymous said...

Love the photos but I'm not sure I'd want to be that close!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shots. It looks so energetic!