Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Sports TV

   LOL....watching former NBA announcer Pat O'Brien on the Dr. Phil Special. The reporter's barnstorming life was too much for the POB, who fell into a haze of booze and cocaine. Pat managed to drink himself off Access Hollywood, which must be hard to do.

   The Peruvian Infantry Battalion stationed in Pat's schnout requires a lot of funding since he got out of rehab, so we get to see Pat squirm in the chair and confess all the details. It started back in the Jordan era. and it got worse as Pat went to the red carpet.

   Dr. Phil plays back slurred, obscene phone calls he had made to his secretary, who was running a tape recorder. As amazing as a drunken Irishman might seem to you, Dr. Phil has it all figured out for Padriac O'Brien III. Pat's been off the Montana Family Baby Powder for a week, so he's ready to go back and host The Insiders.

   It sure must have been fun for the girls in the office when Pat O'Brien and Marv Albert were running amok, doing piles of cocaine and biting their secretaries. I wonder if Marv ever popped into Pat's hotel room while they were both blacking out, doffed the toupee, and gave him a little bite on the booty.

   Other than that, TV tonight is watching Kevin Hill score 'dem white women while leaving his baby with the gay nanny (manny?), and American Idol. The other AI is sort of a competition... in that somebody wins, and few of us can go out there and bust a convincing series of song in front of a 1982 Laker Girl, somebody who I think is Al Roker, and an Englishman who looks like he can't wait for the commercial break so he can get over to the Access Hollywood set and light the stem a few times.

   Still, AI sort of skirts that is-it-a-sport line that gymnastics and golf work on. Is it a sport? Sure, she's just dancing out there at the Ice Capades, but she can skate better than an NHL franchise player. Is the balance required to stay on a surfboard more important/impressive/athletic than the hand-eye coordination needed to bust Emmit Smith through the 86 Bears on my Madden 2005

   Personally, I think all the Idol singers blow like Kenny G, and the last time I saw Kevin Hill, he broke up a wedding by going, "Yo Baby" and flexing. So, I'll leave the Idol-sport debate tothose more inclined to actually watch.


Anonymous said...

this girl loves reefer toking coke snorting Bo from Idol, LOL...hubba hubba

Anonymous said...

You have to be high to have a name that rhymes with "bodice."

Anonymous said...

and obviously, he was! LOL  but seriously, a rocker, long hair, can one be surprised?  No,  and no one cares either...he's the only reason I watch AI.