Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bye, Tourists

We had a bit of a tropical storm yesterday, but it was merely a glancing blow. It happened on Bye Tourists Weekend, which is when most of the tourists go home.

We got to put up the Storm Warning flags.



This is Chatham, MA.


Some clouds moving over the Bourne Railroad Bridge.


The windmill at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy.


Not a bad boat if you can afford it.


A loon, which we know as a Daffy Duck.


Coastal churches favor the Nautical look.

I used to go to St. Margaret's, until I saw that the Episcopalians had this cool fisherman on the door. Sorry, God... I had to switch teams.

Fishing for striped bass in the Cape Cod Canal. The Bourne Bridge is in the background.


Morning Glory


Halloween comes early in Wareham.


Crack Rocks!



Anonymous said...

wow Smurfette! way to go!
My absolute favorite was the totally historic church front with the ship on it!
I like the water and the flowers but hey that graphic was totally out there!

Anonymous said...

Dear Green Dragon,
Have you changed your blog name to "Nor'easter Blues"?
Please email me tout suite because I want to write about your great coverage of sports and your great photos in the days to come.

Anonymous said...

Love the New England photos, especially the churches favoring the nautical look. Only in New England?  Also that morning glory photo struck me in the heart  I have a relationship with morning glory, first the noxious weed that invaded our ranch, and then the gentler domesticated flower.  Gerry where are you going after Nov 1?