Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Grassy Noel

Noel Swipes New England

I'm about a millimeter to the left of Barnstable on that map. I'm right on the water, but I'm on a bit of a hill... I should be OK unless a tree falls on me- which, if you know me, isn't out of the question.


Not so bad so far... 24 mph winds... 9 AM


So..since I may not be coming back this afternoon.... I'd better get some more cranberry pics up. Again, this is Mann Farms in Buzzards Bay.


I actually met Keith Mann, who runs the place. He told me that I could go to their screening room to photograph that process as well... but every time I wander over to the bog, he's too busy to ask. Someday... maybe.


That's Keith on the water picker, stirring the berries off their bush. They float to the surface, and are then reeled in by hand.


Same picture? No.


I hope that they get all the cranberries in within the next 3 hours or so, because the rest of the day looks pretty f'ugly.


Run for your lives! It's the Six And A Half Foot Super Shadow Dummy. "Trust me,,, that's a great shot. You may win the Nobel for blog photography. In fact... I've never looked better."

Notice how Mr. Nobel not only got his shadow in the picture, but he somehow turned the cranberries sort of gray in the process.

A few links you might find useful:

Kathys Pumpkin Patch - Pumpkin-Cranberry Waffles

Thanksgiving Bread recipe - Cranberry Recipes

Recipe: Ginger-Cran Leek Glazed Salmon

Recipe: White Chocolate Cranberry Cake

Recipe: Cranberry Cream Pie

YouTube - The Cranberries - Zombie


from my friend Gail in Rhody.....

We visited last year, and explained the process better here... The Million Cran March  and here... Mann To The Fiz-Arm

October on Cape Cod ... foliage
Bournedale... ruff-ly the same area
Dog Meets Bog.... yet more cranberries..
A Grassy Noel.....berries


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you safety and that of others in the path of the storm.  Thank you again for the wonderful pictures of the cranberry bogs this.  Blessings, Penny

Anonymous said...

I like orange/cranberry sauce.  It is so good!


Anonymous said...

we have lots of bogs around these parts too :)  stay warm and wind free

Anonymous said...

I love the photograph of the maple leaves!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I just realized that I had no idea that the cranberry round-up in water was true (a worldly man am I) until I saw these pictures. Where are the two guys that stand in the water on that TV commercial?

Thought #2 - Is there a giant vat of Grey goose that one can add to that mixture?

Thought #3 - I, too, thought the picture of the leaf was excellent, so much so that I, borrowed it.


p.s. - I can hook you up with a Miami condo if you want to escape the next storm (You have to wait until it passes us)

Anonymous said...

The guys in the TV commercials are realistic. They use big nets to haul in the berries. I just did their pictures at night, and they came out shi**y.

To make a Cape Codder out of those berries (an estimated 500 acres worth), one would require a Mack truck full of sugar and roughly a Walden Pond-sized bottle of Grey Goose... served over Barrow, Alaska in December.