Friday, April 21, 2006

Alleged Duke Lax Rape Victim

Duke Lacrosse rape victim revealed

   Now, rape is never funny.... unless one never occurred, and the victim tries to sue a bunch of rich kids' parents over it.

   I wasn't there. Who knows what the hell happened? I just find it a wee bit unfair that she can spatter the names of the alleged attackers all over the country, while she can sit back and wait for the money to come in.

   If she was raped, the men who did it will go to jail for a long, long time. If she wasn't raped, but she gets a dumb jury (in Carolina, this is a factor), they may still go to jail for many moons. If they are found not guilty, she STILL won't have to face the music.

   In old Europe, the laws on this were very strict. The rapist would be put to death. But... and this is a bigger butt than you see in that picture... if the charges were proven to be false, then SHE'D be put to death. Granted, that may keep a lot of true victims from coming to the law with their story, but it also serves to keep golddiggers from wrecking lives.

   I haven't found out the girl's name yet, but I do have a picture:









   She's a bit more burly than I like my strippers to be, but Southerners are a funny breed. There is a huge bruise on her arm, but that is already the point of much contention between the prosecution and the defense.

   Should be a helluva case... I just thought that I'd level the playing field a bit. As with all women who sell sex... she isn't mad that the sex occurred- she's mad that she didn't get paid for it.


Anonymous said...

The more I hear about this case, the fishier it smells.

Anonymous said...

it sounds like you suspect foul play Monponsett!

Anonymous said...

it sounds like you suspect foul play Monponsett!

Anonymous said...

Yah, ya know I keep hearing about this case even though I know like zero facts because haven't had a chance to watch the news yet.  Okay, I'm sheltered and the news is usually boring to me.  Nonetheless, it's like everywhere all ready and I'm like what happened?  Did anything really happen?  What the?  Something just seems fishy but I will reserve opinion until I can get some more info.  Thanks for sharing this.  I now at least know more than before.

Anonymous said...

Not ALL people who live on Tobacco Road are idiots!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When there was no physical evidence (dna) linking her to any of those students and no eyewitness, I keep wondering what the prosecutor thinks he has to take it to court.  Of course, I realize that he doesn't have to have anything; it can just be a she said/he said trial.  And then, of course, like you said, it's up to the jury.