Saturday, September 20, 2008

Chainsaw Carving

At the Artisans Gallery, Main Street, Buzzards Bay


A piece of wood, to some...


... but not to Wayne DeMoranville.


Hell, no... this guy kicks ass. I didn't stay to the end, but I'm told that this is a Cranberry Pickin' Bear.


He's a chainsaw sculptor, and I think that more kids would be into Art if they knew that it could be created with chainsaws.


I don't care how badly it could maul me.... a bear in search of honey is the cutest thing at the top of the food chain.


There's a similar one to this near my cottage in the Village.


Nice beaver...


Just a man and his Banjo Bear.


This is actually one end of a bench the dude made.


Big ups to for the pics


No one carved this with a chainsaw, but isn't it cute? That's the Cape Cod Railroad Bridge that Santa is checking out...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad i found ya again!
I used to have the journal "Chronicles Of A Boston Bruins Fan" (took a LONG hiatus)
Not sure if you remember.
Anywho...Love reading your journal because we live so close it's fun to read your adventures...sometimes i see your photos and I'm like "I've been there!" LOL.


I have a Private Blog...If you want to be added to the readers list just let me know.

Anonymous said...

dear Green Dragon,
Please go to my journal and put up recent links in the comment section!
I tried to write up a thumbs up for you!
Please comment in there with your link.
Are you dropping your old name in favor of this name?
thanks for this great article!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, keep choppin trees and carve them into the animals we have the right to kill...awesome! Ur gone, yeah and you got titles. The Bolts kicked ur ass 2night. Nice.

Anonymous said...

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