As they say on Cape Cod.... you can have 354 buoys on your wall, but the 355th one makes it all tacky and stuff.
I've considered buying this... except that I'm the only sports fan among my sisters, and it would make me look awful strange(r) on holidays. It does kick ass, though.
If I owned a gay bar, I'd buy this guy, display him prominently, and call the place Captain Reacharound's.
We used to have a wheel like this (a touch smaller). If you have a fireplace that's 10' across, you can display it properly. Otherwise, it just owns whatever room it's in.
One of Melissa's favorite things on Earth... the fake cow outside Sand and Surf. We've taken her to real farms, and she's afraid of real cows.
If I ever catch the Colonel cheating ( a real concern in a home with a comely teen nanny), I won't kill him or kick him out. No, I'll just make him transport me everywhere by rickshaw.
I love this bush.
I love my cabin in New Hampshire. Unfortunately, this isn't it. This is actually in Wareham, MA.
Everyone's favorite bar in Buzzards Bay.
This is "A" Dock.
Most of this entry is from this antique store on the Wareham/Buzzards Bay line.
I don't know how all Americans don't die at 30.
Fantastic Fotos!
Dear Smurfette<
wow! go nuts with the camera already! :):)
Really funny!lol!
I like the fake cow and the fact that Melissa hates real cows! lol!
I like that you took a picture of all of those funny sailing vessel weights Monponsett!
hey you are having a gerat time ! yeah!
p.s. I love the real cows who look like your fake ones! lol!
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