Friday, November 2, 2007

Dog Meets Bog

Hi! I'm Sloppy Dog. It's cranberry harvesting season at Mann Farms in Buzzards Bay. That's Massachusetts, on Cape know, Pilgrim Country.


Most dogs get their cranberry sauce from the store, but I like to get mine fresh from the bog.


Fortunately, they have plenty to spare.


They have to harvest them today, because we're having a visit from Tropical Storm Noel tomorrow.



Being a dog, I don't know what all that stuff in he bog is. I assume that they use it when harvesting.


Keith Mann, who runs the place, told me that these cranberries are headed to Ocean Spray... so if you enjoy your cranberry sauce or Cape Codders, pour out a little liqour for the hardworking folks at both Mann Farms and R+B Farms.


I'm actually quite enchanted with this shade of red, myself.


Don't worry, Sloppy Dog.. we'll go back soon.

We visited last year, and explained the process better here... The Million Cran March  and here... Mann To The Fiz-Arm

October on Cape Cod ... foliage
Bournedale... ruff-ly the same area
A Grassy Noel.. yet more cranberries.. with recipes!




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Anonymous said...

I am fascinated with cranberry bogs, and this dog looks like he is, too. I had no idea cranberry bogs even existed until I saw your photos last year.  I know that time of the year is upon us again, hence the cranberry bogs!  Do you mind being associated with cranberry bogs? I want to be associated with bougainvillea!  Gerrry  

Anonymous said...

awesome pictures monponsett sloppy is so cute I wish I to pet her again soon and the cranberrys look delicious!!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful color!  Your doggie makes me miss my Bernese Mt. dog who died a few weeks ago.  She came from Falmouth and loved to do outdoor stuff like shellfishing and walks in the woods.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is really cool! I had never seen such a thing til watching something about them on tv recently..really really neat.

Anonymous said...

Cool pics!

Anonymous said...

Oh I just love it!  I found this link through "dad's" blog...and was pleasantly surprised to see you as the author!  I never saw  your blog.  Well, now...I'll be back!   By the that your adorable dog?


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the link to the cranberries, it is wonderful, I do appreciate getting it and I know that others around the world are enjoying it. My friends like you are the reaason that I am able to write a journal.

I am glad to have you as a friend,                         DAD...

Anonymous said...

That is great!  Thanks for sharing that!  Linda

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I were discussing cranberry bogs the other day. Thanks for sharing. Helen