Pizza Boy in Wareham (508- 295-2095) doesn't know it yet, but they'll be making one of these for my new main man.... and one for me, for generating this free publicity. High Above Courtside needs revenue to keep up this kind of Nation Wide Action.... but we'll settle for a large linguica pizza.! - Wareham Bulletin - Local News - Printer friendly
Stephen Brown has it bad. Mitochondrial Metabolical Disease bad, or gradually shutting down all of your major organs bad. He knew he was dying before he figured out that whole Anta-say thing. He may be dead by the time you read this... it's that bad.
One usually doesn't laugh out loud when reading his story, but I have a certain affinity for black humor, and this kid has it by the bushel-effing-basket. Here's his dying request, as relayed by his mother:
" He picked out an outfit to wear. And he wants to eat steak and beer and pizza and a salad before he goes. I don't know where he got the beer idea from. We don't drink beer in this house."
A lot of kids would ask to sit in the dugout with David Ortiz, or to have Ashlee Simpson go to his school dance. Not this kid. He wants beer, pizza and a fat steak. The salad is on the list no doubt for Roughage, but that's beside the point: This little SOB rocks like going to an Alice In Chains concert with 2 arms full of heroin.
To be honest, his wish list seems more like something you'd hear from a guy on Death Row, which- despite the fact that the kid has a date with Mr. Death coming up- is unusual, as most innocent 8th graders don't really have that Rae Carruth kind of mentality.
I have a sneaking suspicion that young Stephen Brown, if allowed the opportunity to add to his list, would jot down these three addendum:
1) Turn on the game
2) Hot chick serving the beer...
3) ..who leaves after. Well after...
If any of my readers hears about this kid starting that final slide towards the Light... let me know, and I'll make sure this kid has at least one day where he stuffs his face like Henry VIII. I'm a town away.
Also.... fat mad props to both Morse Lumber and the kids at Upper Cape Cod Tech. These two have joined forces to build a spare room for Young Goodman Brown. If you read that article, you see a kid who needs his own room.... and not for medical reasons, either.
Sometimes, a man just needs his own four walls... and a large extra cheese/linguica/ red pepper/bacon/mozzarella/mushroom pizza.
To be honest... when my number's up... I'm asking for the Stephen Brown Special.
Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School Home
thanks for avery unusual story Monponsett! love and hugs, natalie
Mmmmm.... that pizza looks incredible. Looks like that thick, chewy crust I love sooo much. Save me a slice or three, please. Hope all is well with you, and nice to see that you have managed to survive the the J-land storm. Sheesh !! Tina
Terrible, but great in the face of tragedy, story. Thanks for finding this and spotlighting this kid who sounds awesome!
HEY... just thought that i would let you know that steven did pass... it broke my heart but at the same time brought a smile to my face seeing his final wishes.. hes so funny and im gunna miis him... i just wanted to fill u in
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